Ready Records
Ready Records Press Release 1983

Produced by Englishman Steve Nye, (XTC, JAPAN) , BLUE PETER's second album, FALLING (LR034) marked an important progression for the band, establishing their new line-up, (with keyboardist Jason Sniderman and drummer Owen Tennyson), as a hook heavy power-pop outfit.

Produced by Englishman Steve Nye, (XTC, JAPAN) , BLUE PETER's second album, FALLING (LR034) marked an important progression for the band, establishing their new line-up, (with keyboardist Jason Sniderman and drummer Owen Tennyson), as a hook heavy power-pop outfit.

At the same time FALLING's hit dance single, Don't Walk Past" and its inventive video, entrenched BLUE PETER's aggressive beat in the clubs. The video also gained the band entry to the important American arena, airing on WARNER AMEX's MTV and charting top 10 at L.A. video hot-spot, REVOLVER.

Chart action at THE AMERICAN RECORRD POOL and breakouts with ROCKPOOL and WARD were further reflections of the video' s impact.

In Canada the video won two important awards: Best Video of 1983 fron the prestigious CANADIAN FILM AND TELEVISION ASSOCIATION and Most Popular Video at SONY 's VIDEO CULTURE FESTIVAL.

Responding to the demand from clubs, BLUE PETER released VERSION (ER040) , an EP of extended dance versions of the most popular cuts fron FALLING.

In addition to the success of their video and single, the last year also saw BLUE PETER open for THE POLICE twice - once in Montreal in a special taped for FIRST CHOICE pay tv, and also at THE POLICE PICNIC 83, along with JAMES BROWN, PETER TOSH, THE FIXX and KING SUNNY ADE.

A recent headlining show at Ontario Place attracted a capcity crowd of 12,000 and inspired THE GLOBE & MAIL to call BLUE PETER, " of the best live groups in the country ."

BLUE PETER is currently in pre- production of their third LP.

Paul Humphrey, lead vocals
Chris Wardman, guitar
Rick Joudrey, bass
Owen Tennyson, drums
Jason Snidennan, keyboards

BLUE PETER discography:
1979 Test Patterns for Living, EP RR005
1980 Radio Silence, LP MR609
1982 Up to You EP ER025
1983 Falling LP LR034
1983 Version EP ER040